Four Reasons Why A Wedding Planner Is A MUST For Your Bali Wedding

When you get engaged and start the wedding planning process, the string of events usually goes a little something like this...

The question has been popped? Check!

Said "Yes"? Check!

Informed close friends and family? Check!

Adorable selfie (that took 34 attempts) posted of Facebook and Instagram with #engaged in the caption? Check!

Decided on a destination wedding? Check!

Started actually planning the wedding? Umm... saving 300 images of destination weddings from Pinterest - in a Tuscany winery, to a beach wedding in Bali, to an elopement in Cuba - counts as "planning", right? Wrong!

Maybe you have always dreamt of having a destination wedding since you first started dating. Maybe it's driven by family (either going overseas to have them part of your special day, or going overseas to escape them!). Or, maybe you watched Jennifer Hawkins get married in Uluwatu, Bali in 2013 and thought, "Yes! I want to get married overseas and have a clifftop wedding!", either way, you have a heart set on a destination wedding - and nothing is going to stop you! Most destination wedding brides will come up against a few hurdles when planning their overseas wedding and that's when you need to remember the 4 most important words - Call. The . Wedding. Planner!

Here are four important reasons why a wedding planner is a must for a destination wedding:

1. Your wedding planner can meet your suppliers and visit your venues in-person.

Having a local wedding planner gives you a pair of eyes (and ears, and negotiating skills) on the ground. They allow you to check out the vendor, see their product/venue/service in-person and validate them. Remember, this is what they do for a living. They know their stuff! They have worked a range of vendors so they know who will fit your budget, theme and the general vibe of your wedding. Trust that they know who to trust!

2.  Most venues want a local person to deal with.

Most destination wedding venues, particularly for Bali weddings, have requirements surrounding having a local, approved wedding coordinator. Therefore it is best to be prepared and have a planner organized as soon as possible.

3. Budget blowouts!

Most couples believe that having a destination wedding means having a cheaper wedding. While this can often be true, couples love to go all out on their Bali weddings and budgets can be blown before you know it! Having a professional who does this all day, every day, all year round, to assist you in controlling your spending and find you the vendors with the best deals, will be worth it!

4. It's not their (the wedding planner's) wedding.

An obvious one to point out, but an important one. It's not the wedding planner's wedding - they are a professional who plans weddings. Organization and remaining calm in stressful situations is their bread and butter. Unfortunately, most wedding planners will not deal with mothers/mothers-in-law, however, they can ensure that every other aspect of your special day goes perfectly.

Article By Sue Robertson